Is it cheaper to heat with gas or electricity?

Given the same mechanism for heat transfer (blowing air over a heating element, for example) gas and electricity use the same amount of energy to heat the same volume of air. Energy is measured in many different units, but generally British Thermal Units (BTUs) for gas and kilowatt hours (KWh)  Read more »

By |2021-02-19T13:19:05-08:00February 18th, 2011|Heating|0 Comments

Would you replace this window?

Every building material resists heat flow in some manner. Glass does it poorly, fluffed insulation does it really well. The ability of a material to resist heat flow is called its R-value. When I recommend ugrades, such as adding insulation to the attic, I use software that generates a  Read more »

By |2021-02-19T13:14:00-08:00December 27th, 2010|Wall Insulation|0 Comments
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